In print and social media, Parent Aware has been a hot topic in the past couple of weeks. Parent Aware is Minnesota’s early education Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). This system supports child care providers to demonstrate and improve the quality of their services. It provides parents with a way to select a child care program in their area that meets the needs of their family.
The initial funding for Parent Aware came from the Federal Race to the Top Grant, which sunsets this year. While the Minnesota House of Representative’s proposed budget includes $2 million for the program, the Senate has not proposed any money.
So what are people saying about Parent Aware?
needs to make fully funding Parent Aware the priority this session.
— Cisa Keller (@ckeller16)
This is a big deal for kids! Yes, the budget is tight. But it's time for to fund
— Daniel Gumnit (@DanielGumnit)
is improving early education in all parts of MN. Look at this new article about Two Harbors!
What do preschool quality, public safety and national security have in common?
— MinneMinds (@MinneMinds)
. Additional funding is necessary in order to sustain, improve, and grow the ratings system. Stay tuned as the discussion continues or add your voice to the conversation.